We welcome people from all backgrounds and celebrating
the various cultural events of our colleagues
Collaboration at ASW is an important part of our company culture. Everything we do involves collaboration with either our ASW team, or our international clients. For many of us, this means collaborating with colleagues in Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, or Australia (or all four countries!).
Our clients are also based in either Australia, the UK, NZ, or the US, meaning we get exposed to new working styles and cultural diversity which is pretty special.
Speaking of Diversity, apart from our cultural diversity due to being a multi-national business, we work hard on being an inclusive workplace. To us this means welcoming people from all backgrounds; respecting our differences; and celebrating the various cultural events of our colleagues. We are also an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Employer.
In our 2020 survey on culture and engagement, our People told us that their top motivator at work was their colleagues! How nice is that? They told us how proud they are to be part of their team, and part of the family culture that is inherent at ASW.
Being part of the ASW family means that individual views are heard, but we overcome challenges together.
I have handled a team for almost 3 years now. At ASW we believe that everyone deserves to be treated fairly, and not discriminated against. We as leaders, cannot be judgmental if someone has a disability or an illness, we just need to talk openly, and give them opportunity to shine.
I was fascinated at how well ASW cares for their employees, especially during this pandemic time. I was lucky enough to be part of the team that helped enable Work From Home setup for the Philippine teams. I’m happy that it has been a success and we all did this as a team.
It seemed like there was no border between roles in the team. Everyone tended to care about other team members to see if they could provide any help, not only at work but also about health and wellbeing on a daily basis. “Moving forward together, tasks will be done by themselves.”